10 Reasons Not to Bug Out

10 Reasons Not to Bug Out

10 Reasons Not to Bug Out

Photo from the Prepperjournal.com

I personally am a hunker down prepper for my own family/groups plan A. We do however, have a bug in prep plan B and 2 forms of bug out back up plans. I believe that having a choice depending upon the circumstances of the disaster that has befallen us is only wise. I also realize that with even the best laid plans things may go awry and hope that the scenario we face when the time comes allows us those options.

Many folks are plan A bug outs. This may be the smartest move in their personal situations. However, it is not as easy as grabbing your bug out bag and hitting the trail walking off into the sunset! The featured article will give you some things to consider when planning to bug out. Some things you really might want to consider if this is your option A. Continue at the following link.

10 Reasons Why You Do Not Want to Bug Out

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