Tips for Hiding Your Survival Garden

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Tips for Hiding Your Survival Garden

Tips for Hiding Your Survival Garden

Photo: houselogic_com

It is already against the rules of many HOA’s to have a vegetable garden.  Now I don’t mean to be putting the HOAs across the land on blast. I do understand their purpose and sometimes even agree with the restrictions they place on some homeowners in some locations. But I feel they too often take it to far in keeping the neighborhood so uniform and cut into the natural rights of the home owners. Growing your own food or making use of solar power for something so simple as even a clothes line is pretty basic normal use of your own property. However, even if you are in a location where gardening is allowed today in normal times, eventually after a SHTF event no one will be worrying about what the HOA has to say but will be actively searching out food sources like your survival garden! So there are many reasons to keep your harvest ability under wraps especially if you are unable to grow enough indoors to supplement a healthy diet. See tips like the one pictured above from survivopedia on how to covertly guard your garden at the featured link below

7 Ways To Hide Your Survival Garden


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