100+ Ways Life Will Change After TEOTWAWKI

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100+ Ways Life Will Change After TEOTWAWKI

100+ Ways Life Will Change After TEOTWAWKI

Photo from : pinterest

We all know the major things in our own lives that will change after a TEOTWAWKI event. Food, water, shelter, warmth, personal safety are all things our methods of obtaining will change greatly should this occur. These are and should remain our first priorities after such a disaster.

But then as this new normal begins to set in, there will be other things that will change as a side affect. Things we probably didn’t think about nor prepare for as staying alive and functioning was the priority. Now when the dust is settled we will begin to notice the other things in life that we had  become so accustom to have also changed dramatically.

Skilled survival gives us a glimpse into the changes we will see after a major long term event. Take a look at them in the featured article linked below. It does give you a reason to pause and think a bit deeper into what we might expect.

105 Ways Your Life Will Change After TEOTWAWKI

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