Urban Beekeeping for Beginners

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Urban Beekeeping for Beginners

 Urban Beekeeping for Beginners

Photo: wander–lost

Urban or rural nothing tops the taste or multiple health and cooking uses for honey! It keeps almost indefinitely and is actually one of nature’s sweet treats that is extremely healthy for you. With the exception of children under 2 years of age, who shouldn’t be given honey and can become quite ill if you do so.

Beekeeping is becoming more and more popular in rural areas, I see ads all the time from the rural beekeepers offering to come and take those pesky honey bees off your hands if you should have an unintended hive on your property. 🙂 I think however unless you are allergic to bees or honey; finding a natural hive on your property would be a bonus.

But if they should choose to naturally build somewhere other than your property this article is a good start for learning how to build your own hives and tend bees even in an urban area! Continue from The Hub pages linked below

Urban Beekeeping For Beginners

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