Items You May Not Have Considered for Your Survival Kit

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Items You May Not Have Considered for Your Survival Kit

 Items You May Not Have Considered for Your Survival Kit

Photo: pinaeltumblrcom

Sometimes it’s the little things that are easily forgotten or not thought of that can become the most important survival items in an instant! One example can be feminine hygiene products. Women don’t tend to think much about them until they need them and men often don’t think of them at all! You might even just have a tween girl in your group who has never needed them until after the disaster! If it ends up that you don’t need them for their intended purpose there are other uses. This is just one of the items we may not have considered. See a listing at the link below and if you have other items we need to consider, tell us about them on our social media.

Useful Survival Items You Probably Don’t Think About

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