17 Home Security Mistakes

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17 Home Security Mistakes

17 Home Security Mistakes

Photo: beealarmedca

SHTF event doesn’t have to be a natural disaster, a world war, a terrorist attack, economic collapse or an EMP. For you it can be the wrong person or persons in your home destroying your sense of security, taking your hard earned property or God forbid harming you or your family. That can happen to any of us, now, in today’s world.

Prepping is preparing for the worst and hoping for the best and insuring your families quality of life no matter what the world throws at you. Don’t make yourself or your home an easy target! Make the bad guys move along and seek a more attractive less complicated target. Take your home security seriously now. Before any major event and it will help insure that what you have prepared stays yours until you need it!

There are some simple common mistakes that even the cautious of us make. Our friends over at the urban survival site have outlined the top 17 mistakes the average person can make in securing their homes. Insure you’re not one of them! See the listing and the whys and potential fixes at the featured link below

17 Common Home Security Mistakes

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