Health Benefits of Pickle Juice

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Health Benefits of Pickle Juice

 Health Benefits of Pickle Juice

Photo: meghantelpnercom

I am always surprised to find the simplest things can make the biggest difference and have the greatest results.

For years I suffered from what we in the mid-west called Charlie horses, (muscle cramps) especially at night. In the calves of my legs, top of my feet, under my ribs, in my abdomen, tops of my hands, and even the sides of my neck. If you have ever jumped out bed from a dead sleep with one of those cramps you know exactly why I said I suffered! Then a friend recommended I try drinking a shot of pickle juice when I felt one coming on and/or before bed and I have not suffered again. No more hopping about in the middle of the night biting my tongue to prevent crying out loud and waking the entire household.

So of course I had to find out what other wonders that pickle juice can bring about and found the following featured article, take a read and see if you have an issue that pickle juice can assist you with!

Pickle Juice: 4 Health Benefits Of Drinking The Green Juice

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