MIY Deer Jerky

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MIY Deer Jerky

 MIY Deer Jerky


Source: Mike Shelton

“A zesty deer jerky that you can make at home in your oven. If you have a food dehydrator, you can dry the jerky in it by following the manufacturer’s instructions. You can also reuse the marinade for additional batches.”



  • Prep 3

  • Cook

  • Ready In

  1. Slice meat into long strips, 1 inch wide and 1/8 inch thick. In a large releasable plastic bag, combine soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, liquid smoke, ketchup, pepper, garlic powder, onion salt and salt. Place meat in, and close bag. Refrigerate overnight. Knead occasionally, to evenly distribute marinade.
  2. Preheat oven to 160 degrees F (70 degrees C). Place a pan on the bottom of oven to catch drips, or line with aluminum foil.
  3. Place meat strips on a rack so that they do not touch each other, and dehydrate for 6 to 8 hours in the oven, or until desired consistency is achieved.


Aluminum foil can be used to keep food moist, cook it evenly, and make clean-up easier.

Originally posted on Allrecipes.com

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