The Worst Things About Life After a Major SHTF Event

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The Worst Things About Life After a Major SHTF Event

The Worst Things About Life After a Major SHTF Event

Photo: tom-hickokblogspot

Most serious life style preppers get asked all the time.. “Why would you want to live in a post SHTF world”? I have always felt the true answer is because it sure beats the alternative! As long as there is life there is hope.

The majority of today’s “preppers” are disaster preppers and believe the end of the world isn’t going to happen any time soon and that there will be survivors no matter how terrible the event is. It may be TEOTWAWKI (the end of the world as we know it) but not the end of the human race!

Just what will be the worst things about surviving and living in a post SHTF world other than the actual event? Our friends at The Urban Survival Site have put together a list of 20 post disaster changes we will see if the world as we know it is destroyed. See if you think they are the worst of the worst continue at the featured link

20 Worst Things About Life After The SHTF

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