5 Methods for Storing Meat Off-Grid

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5 Methods for Storing Meat Off-Grid

Making good use of meat

when it is available is important in any SHTF scenario whether long or short term. It is the best source of protein we have. We can obtain protein from plants, but the amount required to not just keep us healthy but up to a more strenuous lifestyle from an unprocessed source would cause you to attempt to eat the whole field every day!

When fortunate enough to be able to gain a bulk sum of meat you can run into the opposite problem. You and a smaller group can’t eat a large animal without waste before it goes bad for eating. That is when the need for storing it properly comes into play. There are many methods but for the most part they fall into 5 strong categories ranging from on the hoof to drying, see them all at the featured link below

Five Ways to Keep Meat without Refrigeration

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