Transporting Firearms on Airplanes Safely and Legally

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Transporting Firearms on Airplanes Safely and Legally

 Transporting Firearms on Airplanes Safely and Legally

Photo: Youtube

I own a gun. I know how to use it. I live in an open carry state. But I do not carry the majority of the time. That may change as the world around us does. I know people who feel they haven’t finished dressing until they don their holster and weapon. This can make air travel very difficult! Because of those folks who have used their weapons inappropriately and to cause harm to other innocent travelers or to fulfill some political agenda weapons are no longer allowed in the passenger sections of airplanes other than by specially permitted law enforcement personnel. But you’re traveling and want to take your weapon with you! It can be done legally and safely by following strict airline rules and federal regulations outlined in our featured article below

How to Travel on Airplanes With a Gun

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