Jin Shin Jyutsu Via the Hand

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Jin Shin Jyutsu Via the Hand

 Jin Shin Jyutsu Via the Hand

Photo: clker

Jin Shin Jyutsu  relies upon the pressure points of the body in an area believed to be linked to a particular organ’s health. It is a big part of traditional Chinese medicine and has been in practice for centuries. I will be honest and tell you I don’t know if it works…. yet. I am indeed going to try it!

I do have an interest in any method of being healthier without the pills and trappings of today’s medical community. I think we all should of course listen to our doctor’s instructions and follow them to the best of our abilities, but if we can add to our own health improvement via herbal, dietary, or any natural method that doesn’t interfere with our treatment plan… why not? See the simple instruction on performing Jin Shin Jyutsu on your own hands at the featured link below

If you knead your finger for 1 minute, you’ll be stunned by what happens to your body.

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