Natural Remedies for Pink Eye

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Natural Remedies for Pink Eye

 Natural Remedies for Pink Eye

Photo: theadventuresofholly

I had pink eye once as a child and do recall it was extremely uncomfortable and unpleasant! I was medically treated with eye drops that cleared it up in just a few days. But what if you are in a situation where getting medical attention or the actual medication is unavailable? The featured article is for that scenario.

Mommy Potamus provides us with 5 natural remedies. Now I am very sensitive about my eyes and personally I wouldn’t use a home remedy on my eyes unless it was in a SHTF scenario. Mommy Potamus is not a doctor nor am I. So if you do decide to use any of the methods she suggests be very cautious.

One important factor to remember is there are a number of different causes of pink eye as pictured below and it is highly contagious. Make sure if you or a family member has it to wash your hands frequently particularly if the eye is runny and you are wiping it often.

Natural remedies for pink eye

Graphic: totaleyecarecenters

See Mommy Potamus’s home remedies for pink eye at the featured link below

5 Natural Remedies For Pink Eye

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