Survive Famine

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Survive  Famine

 Survive Famine

Photo: agricornercom

My entire life time I have seen pictures of people in third world countries who are starving on the nightly news. To the point, that for my younger years, there was some part of me that just wasn’t really believing of the situation. Seeing the images had become too common place. It wasn’t until I was in my 20s that I realized that they were so common place because no one was truly doing anything to put an end to it. In my teen years my thought process was that a scenario that dire would surely cause a world wide response. Then when I began my own family the fact that the world had not stepped in to stop it really hit home. It could indeed be my child fighting to survive a famine and that no government nor group of heroic do-gooders were going to step in and save them. It was up to me to take care of my own and teach my children how to do so on their own as well. For information regarding surviving a famine see the featured link below

How to Survive A Famine

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