5 American Places You DON’T Want to Be When SHTF

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5 American Places You DON’T Want to Be When SHTF

 5 American Places You DON'T Want to Be When SHTF

Photo: pickywallpapers

I seriously doubt that there is anywhere that is going to be “ok” when a major SHTF event occurs. Many didn’t notice or realize the shifts in resource availability or finances etc. after 911 occurred in New York. But they were there. It even affected the resources in Canada and other western countries. I am not referring to the emotional consequences of such an event but about physical resources. Of course no one was affected more than New York City and those with family or friends hurt or killed in the attack. However, the effects were felt all over the country.

Even if you live in one of the places that the featured article lists as a negative location, remember that Mother Nature and twisted terrorists are both very unpredictable and data from each disaster varies greatly and that we have all seen things like upright empty trash cans sitting next to a huge old tree that has been pulled from the ground during a tornado. There are always places deemed unsafe that are left untouched in a disaster. Also that even if the disaster happens miles from your location the after effects can come miles and even months away as is evidenced by the radiation currently still hitting our shores on the west coast from the disaster in Japan.

So if you are particularly concerned over a particular event or planning to move anyway, the featured listing with explanations my help you make a better choice for yourself and family and help to prepare for the most likely scenario in those locations.

The 5 Places In America You DON’T Want To Be When Society Collapses

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