Caring for a Baby Post SHTF

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Caring for a Baby Post SHTF

 Caring for a Baby Post SHTF

Photo: ibtimescouk

Even if you don’t have a baby, don’t plan on having one, don’t have grandchildren, or don’t even like babies, this is still something you should consider. I am not saying prep as if you have or are going to have one. But keep the ideas presented in the featured article in mind. I could give you oodles of ways that you could end up with a baby in your group unplanned for.

This article gives recipes for a formula alternatives. Mother’s often can’t nurse in the best of scenarios but without the proper nutrition, on the move, under stress or perhaps injured it is likely that at the very least a supplemental feeding will be necessary. Mother’s often passed away before medical assistance was available during complicated deliveries years ago and as morbid as it is to think about, they will again post SHTF.

There are many other tips and needs addressed but to me the most important is the formulas both milk and soy based are the highest priority as just about everything else can be fairly easily be improvised. Even if your care of the infant is temporary they must eat! Give the link below a look and if you have teens, young adults, or neighbors or group members with them keep this in mind.

Ark Prep 101 – Infant Care!

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