13 Unusual Frugal Tips

13 Unusual Frugal Tips

13 Unusual Frugal Tips

Graphic: cherylkicksass.blogspot.com

I must admit that when I first saw the title of this article (13 Things Frugalists Do That Confuse and Scare Others) I was compelled by the title to check it out. What could they possibly be doing so shocking and scary? One of the reasons why I didn’t use it to share this with you, is because it isn’t scary or particularly shocking at all! I also admit to doing some these frugal tips myself. Although her example of taking the left over from the office party isn’t something I had thought of! I have seen a couple of people do each of the featured tips and I do have a couple of warnings from their experiences.

Tip #2 make sure those damaged goods are safe. Ensure the rims of dented cans are not unsealed or bulging. That any damage to the boxes was caused by human error and not rodents. Never purchase any damaged food product that is packaged in glass as glass could also have been released into the product.

Tip #3, if you have children in your home ensure their body temperature isn’t lowered by the cool temperature and that they too are dressed in layers. Young children get distracted and don’t always tell you they are too cold. Be aware that the core temperature of the elderly and infants drop faster than do those of healthy adults. Move around if you decide to keep the temperature cool to assist with keeping your own core temperature normal.

Tip #4 beware of scams. Don’t ever send anyone money in order to “collect” your prize. Remember any prize (not just cash) valued at over $500.00 is taxable. (Even if you don’t use it!)

Tip #5/6 make sure you wash any of these finds prior to using.

Tip #11, leave any item you decide to bring home outdoors for several days to ensure it is not infested with roaches and treat these items for other infestations… bed bugs, fleas etc…

Tip #12, use extreme caution even items that are not obviously damaged can be infected by the rodents that tend to live in those areas, wash, sterilize, and beware of any electrical appliance that could be malfunctioning.

See the tips at the following link, save big and use caution!

13 Things Frugalists Do That Confuse and Scare Others


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