14 Off Grid DIY Projects

14 Off Grid DIY Projects

 14 Off Grid DIY Projects

Photos: homeandgarden

Everyone not just preppers and homesteaders want to lower or if you’re really determined eliminate your utility bills. Not everyone worries about the day when power and water may not be available at the turn of a nob or the flip of a switch. We all should be, but truth be told a large portion of the population isn’t ready for even short-term outages from storms, accidents, etc… Don’t be one of them! The featured article gives us instructions for 14 off grid DIY projects that we can do now to save on today’s bills and prepare for inevitable temporary outages and the possibly of a long-term loss of utilities.

See them at the following link and if you do try any of them swing by our Facebook page and let us know how it went and what your recommendations are regarding it!

14 Off Grid Projects to Cut Your Energy and Water Usage


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