15 Ancient Shelter Designs

15 Ancient Shelter Designs

 15 Ancient Shelter Designs

photos: naturalbuildingblog.com

If a SHTF event is longer term, you will need a more permanent shelter than a tent or bush shelter. Something more stable than those and for the longer stay. The elements will kill you long before the lack of food and even perhaps water. So what will you do if you have to build your own without the convenience of modern materials and tools?

People have faced this issue for thousands of years. It sounds impossible to build an actual livable home for yourself and family But if you take to mind the history of human kind you will recall that people have actually done so since the very beginning of our species. Just like you would they had to use whatever materials were available in their location. Ancient housing from all natural materials.

See 15 examples of long term ancient housing that you too could build if you ever had to from Walden Labs at the featured link.

15 Ancient House Designs That You Can Build Really Cheap (Potentially For Free)

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