17 Natural Sunburn Treatments

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17 Natural Sunburn Treatments

 17 Natural Sunburn Treatments

Photo: aloe1.com

Don’t let your fun in the sun this summer be ruined by sunburn pain this season. The first step to preventing sunburn is sun block natural  or purchased. We all want to look tanned and healthy but not lobster red and feeling like our skin is on fire! Many people wrongly assume that those with darker complexions don’t need to worry about sunburn. This is totally untrue. All skin types and tones need to be concerned with protecting their skin not just the fair skinned among us.

If you have ever been sunburned; you know the pain and if you haven’t yet, you may find as you age your skin becomes more sensitive. Everyone should take note of these natural soothing treatments for the slightly more than minor burn not only to ease the pain but to prevent the peeling of injured skin which protects the more delicate skin beneath. If you have a severe burn please do seek medical care if available to prevent infection and permanent damage to your skin. For those remedies see the link below

17 Naturally Soothing Sunburn Treatments


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