19 Wild Urban Edibles

19 Wild Urban Edibles

19 Wild Urban Edibles

Photo graphic: Urban Survival Site

When we speak of foraging 99 times out of 100, we are referring to wooded and swampy areas and not an urban environment. However, not everyone is going to just happen to be in a rural area on the day a SHTF event occurs. More numbers than we can count will be in urban areas struggling to either survive there or survival long enough in that environment to get out of there. The restaurants, coffee shops, cafés, grocery stores and farmer’s markets will all be closed. It will not be a wise choice to knock on someone’s door and ask for food or help, they will fear you intend them harm and even if they don’t what they have will not be abundant enough to be able to freely and kindly hand it over to you.

There are wild edibles that can be found in urban areas that can assist you in your survival until you can get out or align yourself in a location or with a group for making it through whatever has happened. Eating the wrong plant can be a terrible mistake, so make sure you know at least these 19 plants and any others that are common to your area, and you will be a ton better off.

19 Wild Edibles You Can Find In The City


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