20 Tells That Expose Concealed Carry

20 Tells That Expose Concealed Carry

 20 Tells That Expose Concealed Carry

Photo from handgunsmag.com

We never provide information with the intent of it being misused to commit crimes or avoid being taken into lawful custody. In this case knowing how to tell if someone is carrying a concealed weapon when you are in a bad situation or just in the wrong place at the wrong time could save your life. Not everyone who carries concealed has good intentions and if you are uncomfortable and suspect via one of these tells that he/she is carrying a weapon it may well be a very good time to exit the location.

If you have a concealed weapons permit and have concerns that your reasons for doing so could be exposed by a tell this could also be good information for you. To see the 20 giveaway tells including those meant just for fun continue at the link that follows


20 Tells that Might Give Away CCW Folks and Cops

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