3 Methods of Getting Water From a Well if the Grid is Down

3 Methods of Getting Water From a Well if the Grid is Down

3 Methods of Getting Water From a Well if the Grid is Down

Photo: angieslist

I love the look of an old fashion well with the big crank with a bucket attached for dipping into the water. Would I drink from one? Not without treating the water I wouldn’t! I can only imagine the stuff growing in there from the stuff that fell in or leeched in from the building of it. You know in those old horror movies they always put the body down the well!! 😛 I would have to be real thirsty to get that image out of my mind.

However, modern wells are not open walled simple holes in the ground and they look like the one pictured above. They pump from the ground with power. So the question addressed by this post is how to we get the water up if the grid is down and there isn’t any power?

Outdoor Life helps us answer that question with 3 methods we can use to obtain water from a modern well in a grid down scenario. See it linked below

3 Ways to Get Water From a Modern Well if the Grid Goes Down


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