3 Wild Natural Medications

3 Wild Natural Medications

3 Wild Natural Medications

Photo: discoverlife

Being lost in itself is a major issue when it’s you who is lost! But imagine being lost and sick, especially after a SHTF event. Even being sick in the wilderness when you know where you are and what you’re doing is a real hassle.

If you have suddenly found yourself in the boondocks for whatever reason, intentional like hiking, camping or heading for your bug out location or unintentionally after a SHTF event trying to get home or to a bug out location or actually hiding from those that would do you harm. It isn’t like you could just stop by the drug store and pick up a little something to feel better or call your doctor and say “hey I am lost in the woods and …. can you help me out with that?”

Knowing at the very least these three wild plants that are easy to identify could make a bad situation a little better giving you some relief and if there comes a day when access to medications and doctors isn’t possible it could be of great assistance. See what they are and how they can help at the link below

Sick And Lost: 3 Easy-To-Find Wild Medicinal Herbs

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