30 Unusual Herb Garden Ideas

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30 Unusual Herb Garden Ideas

 30 Unusual Herb Garden Ideas

Photos: cottagemarket

Herb gardens have become a staple in many people’s kitchens. Both due to the cost of herbs at the local markets and because nothing is better than fresh home grown taste! For garden enthusiasts it is also a way to enjoy gardening year round indoors without the difficulties often associated with indoor gardening of larger crops.

Which ever herbs are your favorites are the ones to grow, The choice of what to grow it in can be just as personal and unique as you are just like the herb combinations. Match your décor or whimsy with your choices. The featured link below provides us with 30 unusual ideas for your personal garden. See if one of them is right for you or inspires you to use something you already have!

 Herb Gardens 30 great Herb Garden Ideas

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