40 Items for Barter – Updated to 100!

40 Items for Barter- Updated to 100!

 40 Items for Barter

photo: backdoorsurvival

Having a stockpile of food, first aid supplies, batteries, and such handy will assist in your own readiness for a time when running to the local store isn’t an option. Having extra of these kinds of items will make bartering much easier as they are the kind of supplies that everyone is going to need.

No one is going to want your money, gold, silver, or precious stones, if it isn’t usable toward quality or sustainability of life it will become worthless. If you have funds when the initial event occurs use it quick while those who thrive on greed will not yet understand it isn’t going to stay viable. Once the population at large understands this your money will get you nothing.

If you don’t have funds now to stockpile more than a little here and there for your own family don’t despair, you still have a barter option… your knowledge and skills. Download information, learn survival skills and they will be as valuable in many situations as tons of supplies later. But having both items and skills to offer will carry you far… for a list of items that will become popular barter other than your skills see the featured article below

40 Items to Barter in a Post-Collapse World


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