Eating Healthy Inexpensively

Eating Healthy Inexpensively

Eating Healthy Inexpensively

Photos from Greatest . com

Eating healthy doesn’t always mean expensive grocery bills! One of the featured articles below gives us a list of 44 delicious and nutritious foods for a dollar or less per serving! (Keep in mind that grocery prices vary by location and can change daily, allow for inflation!) It is amazing the healthy items we simply overlook, thinking that they aren’t the center of the typical meal. But with a little creativity they can be! Pork chops with homemade apple sauce, lasagna with cottage cheese etc. See the list of 44 foods that Greatest has put together here >>

44 Healthy Foods Under $1

Part of eating healthy on a budget is shopping healthy.  I know when I shop while hungry my grocery bill increases proportionately! Everything looks good, I suddenly need things not on my list, I want things I could eat right then and not always the healthy weight loss choice item! So I personally vouch for their tip # 2 of the 22 tips they have on shopping and eating healthy in the article below

22 Cheap and Easy Ways to Eat Healthy


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