45 More Signs that You Might Be a “Crazy Prepper” !

45 More Signs that You Might Be a “Crazy Prepper” !

45 More Signs that You Might Be a "Crazy Prepper" !

Photo graphic: SHTF Plan

OK, OK, they got me this time! (LOL) I do indeed know how to make a fire via several different methods…  But I don’t want to!!! So, I do have a case of lighters in my cupboard! My BOB has a fire starter, but I am never without has at least 3 lighters in it at all times! Knowing how and being good at it or liking it are two very different concepts in my opinion! I also rarely drink BUT do keep a fully stocked bar for guests and always felt it kind of doubled as being a good host as well as for use in a SHTF scenario for barter or medical use! Does this make me a crazy prepper? Ruh oh! Check out this additional listing to see if maybe they got you this time!

45 MORE Signs That You Might Be One of Those Crazy Preppers

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