5 Paracord Bracelet Designs With Instructions

5 Paracord Bracelet Designs With Instructions

5 Paracord Bracelet Designs With Instructions

photos: prepperzine

There aren’t many unisex accessories that are not only stylish, actually wearable by both sexes, and useful.  The paracord bracelet is a hot fashion item right now and can be made to fit you perfectly in almost any color or combination of colors you can imagine. Now the buckle can include a variety of survival items or you can purchase other accessories to use as accent charms! Should you choose you can also purchase a premade bracelet here >>Paracord bracelet

If you are creative start here!

Choose a color here >> Paracord

Choose a buckle with the survival accessories of your choice here >> paracord accessories

Now choose the design and get knotting!

Center Stitched



Dragons Tongue

paracord bracelet

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paracord bracelet

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5 Paracord Bracelet Designs With Instructions

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