6 Survival Tips Being Overlooked That’ll Result in Consequences Later

6 Survival Tips Being Overlooked That’ll Result in Consequences Later

6 Survival Tips Being Overlooked That'll Result in Consequences Later

Photo: pioneersettler

Every prepper, homesteading, and survival site gives tons of tips every day. We look them over and then tuck them away in the back of our minds. We hope we will never need them and took a look at them in the first place just in case. Besides our brains can only hold so much extra data! We have daily lives to worry about. The family, work, our boss, finances and don’t forget that the lawn needs a mow badly.

I also hope as well that having it in the back of my mind will bring it to the fore front when and if needed. But there are tips that we need to pay attention to now. Now in our daily lives because the consequences of not doing so could be disastrous. See 6 of those from Die Hard Survivor linked below

6 Survival Tips NOT Being Followed That’ll Result in Having to Deal With the Consequences Later

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