Free Solar Water Heating Designs

Free Solar Water Heating Designs

Free Solar Water Heating Designs

Photo courtesy of Bing

In today’s economy anything that reduces your power bill is a plus. Being able to take a hot shower after a SHTF grid down situation will be priceless.

Some of the designs presented in the featured article are historically the oldest types of solar water heating. Often going off the grid whether by choice, chance or necessity means returning to doing things the way they were long before the general use of power through out the world. There are still places that have always used solar heating and never have used any other form of water heater.

So if you are preparing for an off grid solution for any reason, even if it is just storing the knowledge for a “what if” situation checking out the 7 designs shown can give you information that could be extremely relevant in the future.

7 Free Solar Water Heating System Designs


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