31 Creative Raised Garden Beds

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31 Creative Raised Garden Beds


Photo from Craft Like This

More and more people are gardening in small urban areas. One of the major issues to overcome when gardening in an urban environment is space. Raised garden beds are one solution. They are also a wonderful option for those that have difficulty stooping and when the soil at your location has a lot of clay or is really rocky.

Container gardening is another option but a bit more difficult when you’re planning to grow food. You could look at raised beds like they are extra large containers that give your crop the room to root well and spread some. This will provide you with better yield.

But they don’t have to be plain rectangle box sitting in the center of your lawn or patio! There are many options and many that are quite attractive and actually add nicely to your landscape. Some of the taller options can even serve as privacy dividers on apartment balconies and patios.

Just because you live in the city or in an apartment doesn’t mean you can’t grow some of your own food and take one of the first steps to being more self sufficient now and better prepared if a crisis should arise preventing you from easy access to a grocery market. The smaller beds are great for the herbs and smaller plants ordinarily used for herbal remedies which is yet another way of being self sustaining.

Spruce has put together pictures of 31 great designs for us. Remember that any one of these designs can be made to fit the area in which you have to do your gardening. Just because one appears to be too large or too small doesn’t mean it can’t be adapted to the perfect size for your space.

Take a look at what ‘Spruse’ has put together at the link below and don’t give up or settle for  something you don’t like if none of these appeal to you. Just keep looking the ONE will suddenly pop up somewhere (maybe even here next time I find more designs to show you!) that will be perfect for you.

31 Raised Bed Garden Design Ideas


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