DIY Smokehouse From Cement Blocks

DIY Smokehouse From Cement Blocks

 DIY Smokehouse From Cement Blocks

Photo: grit_com

Not only are smoked meats tasty but it is a great low-cost way of preserving meat. Because this method doesn’t require electricity it makes it an excellent post SHTF method as well. If you are smoking a large amount of meat this is the way to do it!

It is also a nice way to store those preserved meats as well, especially with cement blocks as they are bear proof. Even if there aren’t animal scavengers in your current location, remember after a major disaster animals will migrate just as the humans do. Bears in particular have become less and less afraid of humans as humans invade more and more of their natural habitat.

Doing it yourself will save you big bucks, especially if you use recycled cement blocks.

See how to build your own at the featured link below.

How to Build a Smokehouse Out of Cement Blocks


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