Accurately calculate how much food you need for SHTF

Accurately calculate how much food you need for SHTF

 accurately calculate how much food you need for SHTF


We are given estimates on how much food we need to store per person for a SHTF event. But have you really looked at the serving size on some foods? I was looking at the serving size on a bottle of salad dressing the other day and had to laugh. It wasn’t large enough to even wet a piece of lettuce! Of course, their purpose of making the serving size that small is to attract the calorie counters who sometimes only see the number of calories “per serving” and assume it means more than a teaspoon.

If you view serving size as what will actually fill the bellies of your group and their actual caloric intake needs, especially in adverse conditions, it is a whole different number than what the package indicates. So how do you accurately estimate just how much food you really need per person?

Learn Religions has some answers for us on that at the featured link below

How to Calculate Your Food Storage Needs


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