Addicted to Prepping?

Addicted to Prepping?

Addicted to Prepping?

Photo from

Like anything else, prepping can become too much of a good thing. There are those that see all prepping as hoarding. In some cases there can be a fine line. If prepping were a one and done proposition the question of preparing vs hoarding would be much easier to determine.

We all can find ourselves overdoing just about any activity. I admit to not being as organized as I would like to be on occasion when it comes to some parts of the preparation process. When I first began purchasing long term storage food. I didn’t realize yet that it wasn’t a one time deal! My first batch of dehydrated purchases went untouched for almost 3 years before I realized I needed to rotate the goods rather than just have them on hand. I had made some duplicate purchases and had not planned for all the ingredients for any particular meal. A simple inventory in my case righted the problem.

As I progressed as a prepper I came to understand it isn’t just something you do after a major disaster in another part of the world where you see the plight of the unprepared on the evening news but rather a life style.

Have you crossed the line? Has prepping become an obsession or an addiction?  Or perhaps just need a reminder that the first priority is to maintain a balance between hoping for the best and preparing for the worst?

Check out the opinion on this subject of our friends over at backdoor survival at the link below.

 Are You Addicted to Prepping?


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