Animal Track Identification

Animal Track Identification

Animal Track Identification

Photo: Pixbay almanac

The featured article today is a helpful animal tracking guide from the Farmer’s Almanac. It, fortunately for me, it includes pictures! Even though I am not an active hunter I find the information useful in just knowing which animal is wandering about on my property. It helps me protect my garden and my pets from predators. If it is a critter that eats more than I am willing to share from the garden or could stalk or harm my furry family, I consider it a predator!

I decided to share the guide with all of you as it isn’t just your garden or pets that could be harmed by an unknown animal! If you are a camper, hiker, or enjoy any outdoor activity it is wise to know what else is sharing the space with you. Or whose territory you may have inadvertently wandered into. This is especially important if you live or play outside the noise and lights of the city.  It is important to remember human beings by nature are not at the top of the food chain. Our bodies are not meant nor equipped to deal with an attack from a bear, wolf, or any other predatory animal.

If there comes a time when you are bugging out on foot or foraging for edibles, that you didn’t mean to intrude on an animal’s territory won’t be helpful. But knowing what might be stalking you will be! Even if it is just enough information to be aware that you need to get out of that area if at all possible or what it is you are trying to protect yourself and family from. If you also find that you do need to become a hunter in a SHTF this could also be a great resource. See the guide linked below

Animal Tracks Identification: Critter Pictures – Know Which Animals Have Been in Your Yard by Their Tracks!

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