The Art of Haggling Post SHTF

The Art of Haggling Post SHTF

 The Art of Haggling Post SHTF

Photos: blogkrrbcom-thesmarterwalletcom

In most western countries haggling isn’t practiced on a regular basis. The majority of shops have take it or leave it pricing. The closest we still have for a mainstream haggling is submitting a bid on real estate, or bidding at an auction. However, both these methods always end with the highest amount from those competing for the item. Now away from the mainstream purchases haggling is still practiced at flea markets, garage sales and yard sales.

The take it or leave it pricing of today will drastically change after a major SHTF event. Prices in dollars and cents will be fairly meaningless. Haggling will be an important skill. Urban Survival provides lots of good tips and methods for learning and practicing that skill today. Saving money when you get the better price is a bonus in the process! read all about it at the featured link below.

How to Haggle After the SHTF


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