Assessing the Threat Level

Assessing the Threat Level

Assessing the Threat Level

Graphic newsthomasnet

We would be remiss if we didn’t discuss the threat level. Every time there is a specific or speculated threat we are accused of being fear mongers. Saying nothing might indeed lower fear levels. So would stopping tornado watches and hurricane warnings. If the weather services stopped warnings many more would die unaware that they could have prepared or evacuated and survived. That would tick off everyone even if they weren’t in the storms path. No one wants anyone to die needlessly. We have come to depend upon those warnings for our safety.

It is much harder to warn of manmade threats but after the 9-11 attacks and the Boston bombings tragedies we are more cautious as a nation and as inhabitants of this planet. The problem is that these threats are less credible than the weather service. Both because they are harder to confirm and predict. Often there are just people who for whatever reason like to create fear and panic in others. So much so that it is now a crime to do so, Screaming fire in a theater could get you in a heap of legal trouble. Now almost all western governments have created a threat level indicator to help it’s citizens to be aware.

Putting it simply there are just times and situations where being extra alert can make the difference between life and death. No one should crawl into their bunker and simply lock out the world. (Although sometimes it’s a tempting thought) Neither should they stick their heads in a hole and go about their business as if the whole world is looking out for them. The national security alert system is comparable to stop lights. If you ignore them and assume that all traffic will stop for you would eventually get you run over!

So please understand that both the threat level alerts and our intent is to assist you in living your life prepared but not scared. Be aware of that is happening in our world and go about your daily business with the understanding that none of us are so special that we couldn’t ever find ourselves in a SHTF scenario. If you desire to keep up with the governmental publicly released threat level, look to the right of any page, or menu on our site and you will see the current security warning. (updated in real time)  At the time of this writing it is yellow. Take this into account, be aware and then go live your life!

We have learned over the past years that these warnings have for the most part been unfortunately accurate. 🙁  (We always hope they are not.) Our sympathies are with all the families and those that have been affected directly. So please take note of your surroundings and be extra cautious when we get these warnings.

The linked blog below is from Preparing for the SHTF expresses the opinion of the author that the threat level may be either under estimated or will rise when the power in our country changes hands during election years leaving us at a security disadvantage. Remember it doesn’t have to be the presidential elections to cause internal national turmoil that can create an equally dangerous time for the public.

Assessing the Threat Level: Has It Increased

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