Avoiding And Treating Hypothermia

Avoiding And Treating Hypothermia

 Avoiding And Treating Hypothermia

Photo from alliedhealthworld


People who live in areas with lots of snowfall and below freezing temperatures understand how to prevent hypothermia, but I was surprised to find how many were so good at the avoidance portion of this post that they had never actually treated anyone for it, and some had no idea how!

It doesn’t require below zero temperatures for hypothermia to set in. Lowering your body temperature significantly for any extended period of time can do it even in warmer climates. This could become a very serious concern for anyone bugging out on foot.

Once you are aware of the symptoms and causes of hypothermia knowing how to treat yourself or others is a lifesaving skill. See that information at this link

How to Treat Hypothermia in a Survival Situation

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