Basic Old Time Home Security

Basic Old Time Home Security

home security

Photo from Some Like it Vintage


Every time you turn around, it seems like you hear someone say, “There’s an app for that.” New smartphone technology and updates roll out quicker than you can enter your password. We’re a constantly connected culture, finding new ways to use devices that make our lives easier to manage. But that doesn’t mean tried and true do-it-yourself methods aren’t effective, especially when it comes to home security.

A lot of the commonsense safety tips from decades ago still ring true today – even if you have a connected smart-home with all the bells and whistles. Some companies are even making significant upgrades to traditional home security equipment, like smoke detectors, but it’s up to people – not just gadgets – to increase their protection against dangers like burglary, fire and more.

Part of the appeal of “old school” security measures compared with new technology is that homeowners get to practice a little self-reliance instead of trusting everything to technology. Some of them might even feel nostalgic for the days when we had no apps that could double-check locked doors and turn down the thermostat for us.

Of course, your smartphone can help you remember to do these things or even let you do them through a wireless interface, but what happens when you forget to charge your phone? Or you don’t have a decent signal or access to the Internet?

Timeless advice on home security

DON’T leave spare keys hidden in obvious places – under flowerpots and doormats, or even above doorjambs. Many thieves will check these places first, so pick a more concealed hiding spot. Or leave your keys with a trusted neighbor instead.

DO conceal electronics, valuables and other items that might be attractive to thieves by keeping your blinds and curtains closed – especially when you’re not home. Otherwise, they can easily take inventory.

DON’T leave notes on your door telling friends, family or delivery workers that you’re not home. That’s an open invitation for burglars to break into your unoccupied home and help themselves to your valuables.

DO make it look like someone is always home. Whether you’re going away on vacation for a week or out for a few hours to run errands, if burglars suspect someone is at your house, they’ll likely avoid breaking in. There are many ways to create the illusion of an occupied house – have your neighbors park in your driveway and pick up your mail when you’re out of town, or buy a timer for your lights and TV.

DIY energy efficiency and self-sufficiency

Today’s world of smart-homes, home security gadgets and home automation also focuses on energy efficiency. Whether you want to keep your home just the right temperature while you’re away, or turn lights and appliances off from remote locations, this emerging trend offers homeowners a way to reduce their carbon footprint and their energy bills.
More information from can help you take full advantage of the benefits of lowering your energy costs while using home security technology. And for “old school” energy saving tips, remember “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” and check out these money-saving and energy-saving tips from the U.S. Department of Energy.
Sometimes keeping things simple can be just as effective and intuitive as the latest download for your smartphone.


Source: Since removed post from Karen @ Mom Prepares

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