Beyond the First Year…What You Will Need

Beyond the First Year…What You Will Need

 Beyond the First Year...What You Will Need

Photo: mrsjanuary

Everyone’s first priority, as it should be is to survive the event. Then the majority of people are concerned about making it through the first few days after the initial disaster whatever that might be. Even the governments of most countries tell their citizens to be prepared to be on their own for the first 72 hours. After that most agencies both civilian and governmental expect to be there and provide aid. If you have ever been in a disaster area you know those 72 hours can stretch into weeks or months. There are still folks trying to recover their lives from super storm Katrina which hit the United States in 2005. The public transportation system in Ofunato, Japan is only beginning to operate again on a reasonable schedule in the aftermath of the 2011 tsunami. So prudent people are prepared to live without outside assistance for several months after a SHTF scenario.

However, too often several months as indicated by the referenced situations isn’t enough. There could even be scenarios where no help at all is ever going to come and even the basics of commerce won’t be back for a long time if ever. So, if you have enough to make it through the first year on your own… what happens then? In both the USA and Japan examples basic aid and shelter was indeed provided for citizens months into the recovery process. But what happens if there are no aid agencies? No help is coming. What will the survivors need to become self-sufficient and survive beyond the stockpile they have gathered prior to the emergency?

Off Grid News gives us some of that information in the featured article. BUT, please remember every individual situation will vary and use this information as a guide and plan for your unique needs and for what disaster is most likely to befall your community and plan accordingly.

The Lifetime Stockpile: What You’ll Need To Survive Past The First Year


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