DIY Inexpensive Bike Trailer

DIY Inexpensive Bike Trailer

DIY Bike Trailer

Image Source: cmachia

Bikes are great SHTF vehicles! No fuel required human powered transportation. Easy mobility on debris covered streets and a silent mode of transportation. But that little basket we attach to the front for carrying goods just isn’t going to cut it in on a scavenging mission! This little trailer could be used for hauling your bug out bag, groceries home after a disaster, even smaller children who can’t walk any further.

A prefabricated trailer might be easier to use. However, If you didn’t plan on using a bike and your ability to get through the streets as been altered or you have run out of fuel. Having saved this set of instructions could be just the ticket.

For the parts list and instructions check the link below

Make a bike trailer for less than $10 !


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