Bizarre Home Remedies – That Our Grandparents Swear Actually Work

Bizarre Home Remedies

That Our Grandparents Swear Actually  Work!

 Bizarre Home Remedies


When my oldest child was a baby she developed a medical issue that we spent a bundle trying to cure. A friend’s baby also had the same condition. After the second round of doctoring, my mother in law suggested an old home remedy. Frankly not only was it bizarre but what I consider a bit gross, so I won’t go into it here! However, it worked! My daughter was healthy again within days while our friend’s child suffered for several more weeks. Her parents would not try a home remedy on their child.

Home remedies bizarre or not should never be used to replace your doctor’s instructions. Always check to make sure that the remedy under consideration won’t interfere or clash with any medications currently being taken nor that you could have an allergic reaction to it.

Knowing home remedies especially if you understand how and why they work could become a life saving skill during a time of crisis or when medical care is unavailable. See these unusual home remedies passed down generation to generation at the link below

11 Bizarre Home Remedies Our Grandparents Taught Us That Actually Work

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