BOB Ideas You May Not Have Thought Of

BOB Ideas You May Not Have Thought Of

BOB Ideas You May Not Have Thought Of

Photo from American Truth (the editor’s bag- Frank Borelli)

Think you thought of everything for your bug out bag? For sure the featured article will  give you at least one BOB idea that you hadn’t thought of! This post goes the extra step and is focused on trying to give you some ideas of things you could use in your bug out bag ( INCH bag, accident bag, or get home bag). Until the time of crisis there are simply things we take for granted and don’t think of. For instance, a spare pair of prescription eye glasses (perhaps your previous pair) extra batteries for a hearing aid, or even extra shoe laces. It really depends upon your particular needs and location. Give it a read at the titled link below to get some really good ideas.

Bug Out Bag Gear Ideas You May Not Have Thought Of


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