Bread, Milk, and Toilet Paper..The Best Preps for a Storm?

Bread, Milk, and Toilet Paper..The Best Preps for a Storm?

Funny but true!

It has become a national joke in the USA. Everyone runs to the store at the first signs of snow to stock up on these items. There are even a videos expressing the sentiment!

Where did this idea that we must have bread and milk immediately before the snow falls? The Pittsburgh Magazine claims they have the answer at the article below.

3 #GottaHave Items When Snow Falls in Pittsburgh

But are these really the items you need in a disaster scenario even if it’s as brief as a snowstorm? What about if it is something expected to last a few weeks? Check out the opinion from the Washington Post.

Milk and bread are actually pretty terrible survival foods

Remember if you are really prepared, you have powdered milk, the ingredients to bake your own bread and a healthy supply of toilet paper!


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