10 Bug Out Bag Don’ts

10 Bug Out Bag Don’ts

bug out bag

Photo from rapid fire bunker


All preparedness sites talk a ton about bug out bags, what to pack, what not to pack, and for what purpose etc. We also talk about what not to pack or do. I will be honest when I saw the featured article below I almost passed it over. Not because the site that put it up isn’t a great site, they are. But because I didn’t like the title!

LOL not smart on my part. The information therein is actually good and valid points. But not because it will make you look like a rookie prepper. When and if the day comes that you will need your bug out bag. No one will or should care if you or anyone else is a ‘rookie’. The concern of how your choices appear to others should be the last thing on your mind. You grabbed your bag and booked out of there for a reason. That is what you should be worried about! Survive the incident and you will look like what you are …. A survivor!

The tips on what not to do are good ones and will help you be a survivor. Next time you can worry about whether you look like a rookie or not!

10 Fatal Bug out Bag Mistakes


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