Bug Out Bag Packing Tips For Traveling Long Distance

Bug Out Bag Packing Tips For Traveling Long Distance

Bug Out Bag Packing Tips For Traveling Long Distance

Photo: gearpatrol

I am one of those folks who wants everything in my bug out bag including the kitchen sink. This is why I am so supportive of duel purpose items. Less weight, backup equipment concerns, and frankly personal and group comfort. I know myself and my family. The more comfortable and secure we feel the more likely we are to be able to go a longer distances successfully. I am aware, but rarely admit, that if I am in pain, uncomfortable, have security concerns or have had long term lack of sleep, I can be a real bear.

Prepper‘s Will has put together a list of tips that address those concerns and more. See it at the featured link below.

Bug Out Bag Packing Tips For Optimum Travel

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