Buried Containers Make Poor Bunkers

Buried Containers Make Poor Bunkers

Buried Containers Make Poor Bunkers

photo from containerauction.com

When I first heard talk of people using containers as buried bunkers, my concerns were not about the whole thing caving in! My thoughts were more about ventilation and the possibility of being buried without a way out. In order for it to be secure you would have to have a hidden entrance. If for any reason that entrance became blocked by even something as simple as a tree branch after a storm the damage could be fatal. Same goes for a ventilation system. If that were to also be blocked it would be as if you were trapped in a tin can.

However, our friend Greywolf has a whole more complicated set of concerns regarding using these storage containers underground. So before even looking at containers take a look at the considerations he expresses regarding the safety of doing so.

Don’t even consider burying a shipping container as an underground bunker until you read this


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