Bus Conversion to RV

Bus Conversion to RV

Bus Conversion to RV

Photos from good home design

For vacationing purposes and even for bugging out an RV could be a blessing if you are able to afford the price tag for all the options you want to include. One must remember that in a SHTF scenario that custom parts for custom built RVs will not be readily available. This bus was converted by its owner to suit their needs with the lowered DIY costs. How cool is this?! Being someone who likes dual purpose items and believes every bit of scrap should be used to its final breath….. this is just too awesome! Its renewal and recycle to the owners best interest whether that be a mobile home, a vacation vehicle or a bug out location/vehicle combo. Check out how it was done and see more pictures at the link below

Bluebird Bus Turned Into a Cozy Mobile Home


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