Can Prepping and the Golden Rule Co-Exist?

Can Prepping and the Golden Rule Co-Exist?

Can Prepping and the Golden Rule Co-Exist?


On many occasions prepper sites and blogs speak to the issue of what to do with the unprepared that can and probably will show up on our door steps after a major SHTF event. Often the answer is to turn them away. At the same time many of us live our lives with the golden rule in mind. Can both of these concepts co-exist?

Personally, I understand the inner conflict this could cause many individuals. I do live trying my best to treat others with the same dignity, respect and kindness that I would hope to receive. I also have found that this can make you an easy target for those among us who choose not to prepare. These folks assume often that if there is a major crisis scenario that  “somebody” will take care of them. I know I personally can’t care adequately for them in that type of scenario. Not and still take care of myself and immediate family too. Then there are those that assume they will just take from those who did prepare and do have what they want and need at that moment.

Rightfully this is a frustrating situation for the prepper who has planned to insure the quality of life for themselves and those they love and are responsible for. You have gone without, budgeted, skipped luxuries, and put forth the effort to be self-sufficient and insure their quality of life. People who do this tend to be ultra responsible and do respect the rights and liberties of others. So they aren’t going to give up their preps without a fight to a marauder or looter. But what to do about those who just didn’t get it in time? Or those who did the work like you did and lost their preps to the disaster or to a marauder/looter? What about those that are willing to chip in with what they do have and work toward the group goal of surviving and thriving?

I don’t have those answers for you. I know I myself will be making some tough choices when and if that scenario occurs. Amy has an opinion on the topic that could help those who are caught between the two ideals. She wrote that up for publication in the Prepper Journal which they posted at the link below

How Prepping and the Golden Rule CAN Co-Exist

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